Dry Spots On Leg

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Seborrheic keratoses are benign (noncancerous) skin growths that develop from skin cells called keratinocytes. These growths have a waxy or greasy look and can be tan, brown or black. They look like they have been glued or stuck onto the skin. Over time, the growths become rough and crusty looking. Woke up with red spots on 1 leg. Next day more red spots and on both lower legs. Spots are itchy, slight bump in center. Dry, irritant throat @ night. Kenneth Smith answered 32 years experience Internal Medicine.

It is impossible to have a smooth, flawless skin. Most people have to deal with one or more skin condition at one time in their life. One of these problems is having small red spots on the legs. This is a condition that can affect anyone regardless of gender, age or even race.

The small red spots can be found on the lower or upper leg or both. They can also be itchy, or the red bumps might not be itchy.

In this article, I am going to elaborate on the causes of the small red bumps on legs. As you might be guessing, there are several causes of little red bumps on legs. Most of them could be minor disturbances that will often go away on their own after some days while a case of red patches on legs could be a sign of a serious illness like cancer.

Insect bites and stings

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Bed bugs, ants, mosquitos, and fleas can all cause red spots on legs. The difference between a bump caused by an insect bite and other bumps is that these ones will always disappear on their own. Even though, they will re-appear if you have a bedbug infestation or a flea infestation. A red itchy rash could be a sign of a flea infestation. Insect bites will not only cause red bumps on legs but also on other exposed parts of the body. Some insects like mosquitos and fleas cause diseases. Female mosquitos can cause Malaria while fleas may lead to hives. Insect stings is the main cause of bumps on skin.


This condition is commonly known as razor rash. It is an inflammation of the hair follicles usually caused by a bacterial or fungal infection. At first it looks like small itchy red bumps on the leg or any other part of the body that it forms. Wearing tight cloths or cloths that trap heat may increase the chances of developing folliculitis. Shaving your hair may also damage the hair follicles thus leading to this condition.

People who have chronic diseases like diabetes and HIV/AIDS are at a great risk of getting folliculitis because of a weakened immune system. Even though the condition is not life-threatening, a severe case can lead to boils and permanent hair loss.

Keratosis pilaris

Do you have painless patches of dry skin that resemble goose bumps on your upper legs and arms? Do you see rough or sand paper like bumps on these areas? If your answer to any of these questions is yes, then you are dealing with a condition known as Keratosis pilaris. It is a common and harmless skin condition, in fact some medics view it as a variant of normal skin. It occurs from the build up of Keratin (a substance that protects the skin from infections) on the skin

It mostly affects young children and disappears on its own before one attains 30 years. Even though it cannot be cured or prevented, applying moisturizers can help hide them and improve the normal appearance of the skin.


Red spots on the skin can be a side effect of certain medication. A good example of this is the cytotoxic drugs used to treat arthritis. These drugs cause bleeding under the skin which results to red bumps on the legs.

Dry Spots On Leg

Contact dermatitis

You may develop an itchy red rash on your legs if your skin comes in contact with certain substance like brushing on plants with poison or certain detergents, certain substances like pollen grains, cosmetics, fabrics and even drugs used to treat skin conditions like acne. You may already know some of these substances or no. Contact dermatitis may affect other areas of the body which encounters the substances.

Cherry angiomas

Cherry angiomas are red (can also be purple) and harmless papules on the skin which have no relation to cancer. They develop the reddish appearance from the collection of blood capillaries. They may also grow on your legs, shoulders or torso and can bleed if scratched.

Even though the exact cause of angiomas is yet to be found, they often appear in older people who are over 30 years. They have also been inked with pregnancy and research is still being carried out to find if they have any genetic relationship. The spots are harmless and do not require treatment, but you should discuss with your dermatologist for the best way to remove them if they are unappealing.


Hives are red, itchy, raised welts on the skin that appear on the skin in varying shapes and sizes. They may appear as the body's reaction to some allergens or for unknown reasons. They may also burn or sting and can appear anywhere else on the body. Hives will often disappear within a period of 24 hours.

Heat rash


Heat rash is a common condition that affects babies in diapers. It can also affect adults in hot humid weather and is caused when sweat is trapped in clogged sweat pores. It is always red in appearance and maybe itchy. The heat rash will often disappear once the skin temperature cools.


Vasculitis is a condition caused by inflammation of blood vessels in certain areas of the body. It can cause red blotches to appear on the legs. You may also experience a weakness in the legs and lack of appetite. Other infections like Erythema Nodosum can also cause the appearance of little red bumps on the legs accompanied by a fever and body weakness.


These are tiny round red, purple or brown spots on the legs though they might also appear on arms, legs and even buttocks. Petechiae is caused by bleeding under the skin or a reaction to certain medication like the ones used to treat arthritis. Even though they appear like a rash, they won't turn white if you press them. They may also be a sign of an underlying skin condition like bone marrow cancer or leukemia.

Red spots on legs, cancer

Unusual moles that maybe reddish in color could be a sign of skin cancer. Other symptoms of the cancer could be a sore that doesn't heal on the skin or change in sensation of a pimple. There is a good chance of catching skin cancer early because most of types develop where they can be seen. You can discuss any unusual condition on your skin with your doctor who will give you further directions.

Other causes of red spots on legs could be;

  • boils
  • eczema
  • birthmarks
  • acne

As you have seen, there are several causes of red bumps on legs that will only require examination of a physician who will prescribe the right medication. But you need not worry so much about your condition because it could just be a minor irritant that will go away on its own after a few days. You can apply cold compresses to reduce the pain of red spots caused by folliculitis. You should only seek medical attention if the spots do not disappear even after trying out topical medication or they keep recurring.

Further References

  • https://www.healthline.com/health/skin-disorders/red-bumps-on-legs#4
  • https://www.skinvision.com/articles/red-spots-on-skin-but-not-itchy-find-out-the-common-causes
  • https://mddk.com/red-dots-on-legs.html

It is embarrassing to have dry flaky skin on legs. Though low humidity in air is the main cause of dry skin, there are other factors that may contribute to ruin your appearance, including your life style, age and medical conditions.

Normally dry skin patches are accompanied by vigorous itching and inflammation. I'll not ask you to resist yourself from scratching, but instead I recommend moisturizing those itchy patches. This will not only hydrate the skin, but relieves you from itching.

Dry Spots On Leg

Ever wonder how to remove dry skin from legs?

Dry Spots On Leg

Well, it's not an impossible mission, only if you oath to continue it regularly.

If you're among my returning users, you'll know that I highly recommend natural remedies. Not because I love them, but as they are extremely dedicated towards their work of restraining ailments.

Few cosmetic industries entice people like me, by claiming natural ingredients in their products. But, sadly they all are refined and have less nutritional values. So, why not take the one with more nutritional powers that is available at home.

Without any ado let's now dive into the main topic.

3 Ways to Remove Dry Skin From Legs

Like The Great Wall, your skin is protected and hydrated by natural oil. Factors like weather, diet, beauty products and soaps influence its functioning. They even strip this protective oil and make your skin look dry and flaky.

Another cause of dry skin patches that I missed to mention above is dead cells. Your skin sheds millions of dead cells that get accumulated over the skin. When you don't wipe it off, they ally with bacteria to trigger ailments. As revealed, cosmetic creams does more harm than good. Chemical ingredients incorporated in them may not go well with your skin and irritate it.

Method – 1: Exfoliate Dry Skin

First thing, remove those flaky dead cells. Hydrate the skin by washing it with water and start apply natural scrub to exfoliate. I highly recommend gram flour for exfoliation. Assorted properties in them remove impurities and tighten your skin pores.

Alternatively, use sugar and olive oil scrub. Mix 2 tbsp of olive oil with 1/2 cup of sugar. Optionally, add 2-3 drops of lavender oil. Rinse your legs with water and then apply this natural homemade body scrub over it. Massage gently and wash with water after 15-20 minutes.

You can save this body scrub for 2-3 weeks. Go on with simple process 2-3 times per week depending on dry skin.

Note: Don't use hot water, you can use lukewarm water.

Overnight Remedy

For those impatient people here is a quick remedy.

Soak your dry legs in a tub filled with lukewarm water till the dry skin gets hydrated completely. Pat dry and apply a thick layer of essential oil over the legs. Wear your old pajamas and go to bed.

In the morning you'll feel the difference.

Method – 2: Moisturize Your Skin

If you haven't skipped the above step, most of dead cells and impurities over your legs are wiped away. Now you must hydrate your skin when it is still damp.

Don't check your cosmetic aisle, as they may irritate your sensitive skin. Pamper your skin with natural ingredients.

Natural oils like coconut oil, olive oil, jojoba oil and almond oil can bring the lost moisture back to your skin. Apply any one of the oil when your skin is damp.

Apart from hydrating from outside, you must hydrate form inside. Change your lifestyle and drink enough water. Stay away from irritants like smoking, alcohol and harsh soaps. Start your day with a glass of water, you'll feel better.

Bring change in your lifestyle and it reverts with lots of changes in your appearance.

Method – 3: Protect Your Skin

Dry Spots On Legs Pregnancy

Dry spot on leg that won

Contact dermatitis

You may develop an itchy red rash on your legs if your skin comes in contact with certain substance like brushing on plants with poison or certain detergents, certain substances like pollen grains, cosmetics, fabrics and even drugs used to treat skin conditions like acne. You may already know some of these substances or no. Contact dermatitis may affect other areas of the body which encounters the substances.

Cherry angiomas

Cherry angiomas are red (can also be purple) and harmless papules on the skin which have no relation to cancer. They develop the reddish appearance from the collection of blood capillaries. They may also grow on your legs, shoulders or torso and can bleed if scratched.

Even though the exact cause of angiomas is yet to be found, they often appear in older people who are over 30 years. They have also been inked with pregnancy and research is still being carried out to find if they have any genetic relationship. The spots are harmless and do not require treatment, but you should discuss with your dermatologist for the best way to remove them if they are unappealing.


Hives are red, itchy, raised welts on the skin that appear on the skin in varying shapes and sizes. They may appear as the body's reaction to some allergens or for unknown reasons. They may also burn or sting and can appear anywhere else on the body. Hives will often disappear within a period of 24 hours.

Heat rash

Heat rash is a common condition that affects babies in diapers. It can also affect adults in hot humid weather and is caused when sweat is trapped in clogged sweat pores. It is always red in appearance and maybe itchy. The heat rash will often disappear once the skin temperature cools.


Vasculitis is a condition caused by inflammation of blood vessels in certain areas of the body. It can cause red blotches to appear on the legs. You may also experience a weakness in the legs and lack of appetite. Other infections like Erythema Nodosum can also cause the appearance of little red bumps on the legs accompanied by a fever and body weakness.


These are tiny round red, purple or brown spots on the legs though they might also appear on arms, legs and even buttocks. Petechiae is caused by bleeding under the skin or a reaction to certain medication like the ones used to treat arthritis. Even though they appear like a rash, they won't turn white if you press them. They may also be a sign of an underlying skin condition like bone marrow cancer or leukemia.

Red spots on legs, cancer

Unusual moles that maybe reddish in color could be a sign of skin cancer. Other symptoms of the cancer could be a sore that doesn't heal on the skin or change in sensation of a pimple. There is a good chance of catching skin cancer early because most of types develop where they can be seen. You can discuss any unusual condition on your skin with your doctor who will give you further directions.

Other causes of red spots on legs could be;

  • boils
  • eczema
  • birthmarks
  • acne

As you have seen, there are several causes of red bumps on legs that will only require examination of a physician who will prescribe the right medication. But you need not worry so much about your condition because it could just be a minor irritant that will go away on its own after a few days. You can apply cold compresses to reduce the pain of red spots caused by folliculitis. You should only seek medical attention if the spots do not disappear even after trying out topical medication or they keep recurring.

Further References

  • https://www.healthline.com/health/skin-disorders/red-bumps-on-legs#4
  • https://www.skinvision.com/articles/red-spots-on-skin-but-not-itchy-find-out-the-common-causes
  • https://mddk.com/red-dots-on-legs.html

It is embarrassing to have dry flaky skin on legs. Though low humidity in air is the main cause of dry skin, there are other factors that may contribute to ruin your appearance, including your life style, age and medical conditions.

Normally dry skin patches are accompanied by vigorous itching and inflammation. I'll not ask you to resist yourself from scratching, but instead I recommend moisturizing those itchy patches. This will not only hydrate the skin, but relieves you from itching.

Dry Spots On Leg

Ever wonder how to remove dry skin from legs?

Well, it's not an impossible mission, only if you oath to continue it regularly.

If you're among my returning users, you'll know that I highly recommend natural remedies. Not because I love them, but as they are extremely dedicated towards their work of restraining ailments.

Few cosmetic industries entice people like me, by claiming natural ingredients in their products. But, sadly they all are refined and have less nutritional values. So, why not take the one with more nutritional powers that is available at home.

Without any ado let's now dive into the main topic.

3 Ways to Remove Dry Skin From Legs

Like The Great Wall, your skin is protected and hydrated by natural oil. Factors like weather, diet, beauty products and soaps influence its functioning. They even strip this protective oil and make your skin look dry and flaky.

Another cause of dry skin patches that I missed to mention above is dead cells. Your skin sheds millions of dead cells that get accumulated over the skin. When you don't wipe it off, they ally with bacteria to trigger ailments. As revealed, cosmetic creams does more harm than good. Chemical ingredients incorporated in them may not go well with your skin and irritate it.

Method – 1: Exfoliate Dry Skin

First thing, remove those flaky dead cells. Hydrate the skin by washing it with water and start apply natural scrub to exfoliate. I highly recommend gram flour for exfoliation. Assorted properties in them remove impurities and tighten your skin pores.

Alternatively, use sugar and olive oil scrub. Mix 2 tbsp of olive oil with 1/2 cup of sugar. Optionally, add 2-3 drops of lavender oil. Rinse your legs with water and then apply this natural homemade body scrub over it. Massage gently and wash with water after 15-20 minutes.

You can save this body scrub for 2-3 weeks. Go on with simple process 2-3 times per week depending on dry skin.

Note: Don't use hot water, you can use lukewarm water.

Overnight Remedy

For those impatient people here is a quick remedy.

Soak your dry legs in a tub filled with lukewarm water till the dry skin gets hydrated completely. Pat dry and apply a thick layer of essential oil over the legs. Wear your old pajamas and go to bed.

In the morning you'll feel the difference.

Method – 2: Moisturize Your Skin

If you haven't skipped the above step, most of dead cells and impurities over your legs are wiped away. Now you must hydrate your skin when it is still damp.

Don't check your cosmetic aisle, as they may irritate your sensitive skin. Pamper your skin with natural ingredients.

Natural oils like coconut oil, olive oil, jojoba oil and almond oil can bring the lost moisture back to your skin. Apply any one of the oil when your skin is damp.

Apart from hydrating from outside, you must hydrate form inside. Change your lifestyle and drink enough water. Stay away from irritants like smoking, alcohol and harsh soaps. Start your day with a glass of water, you'll feel better.

Bring change in your lifestyle and it reverts with lots of changes in your appearance.

Method – 3: Protect Your Skin

Dry Spots On Legs Pregnancy

Whatever the remedies you take, at last pollutants and impurities surrounding you will turn problematic to your skin. I know you love to show hour attractive legs, but you must cover them to protect from harmful substances.

Beauty catches attention, while good character catches heart.

Harsh UV rays steal moisture and leaves dark spots on your skin. Wear sunscreen in summer and while going out. Try dry skin brushing to remove dry skin from legs.

If you've dry skin legs with bleeding and inflammation for a long period, then I recommend consulting dermatologist for diagnosis. As chronic skin ailments like eczema and psoriasis have similar signs.

Dry Spots On Leg

Do you follow similar steps to remove dry skin from legs?

Dry Dead Skin On Legs

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